Meet Vicky Felix, The House Mate That Will Blow Your Mind At This Year's Survival Reality Show
Born Victoria Felix but known simply as Vicky Felix is a graduate of History And Diplomatic Studies from the University Of Abuja and she is a contestant at this year's Survival House Models TV Reality Show which is starting off on the 27th of July and would be covered by DSTV Channel 259, GOTV Channel 98, Images TV YouTube Channel e.t.c
Vicky Felix is not only ready for this, but she is as well ready to blow your mind in the house as she seeks for nothing but your votes and support to bring the crown home.
A vote for Vicky, is a vote for intelligency, smartness and uprightness.
While watching the show as it kicks off on the 27th of July on DSTV Channel 259, GOTV Channel 98, Images TV on YouTube e.t.c do endeavour to support and vote your Girl, Vicky Felix to victory because, a win for her, is a win for you, cheers.
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